Post-breathwork: grounding & journaling prompts

Breathwork can sometimes leave us feeling disoriented, full of thought, or even a little flighty. Energy has shifted, and perhaps we aren’t sure what to make of it, or how to react after. We may be wondering is this normal what I’m feeling?

So - I want to give you a few ways to engage with yourself, that can help you feel more aligned and calm after your breathwork sessions:

🌱 Let’s Ground

These grounding exercises can help you feel more centered:

  1. Feet on the Ground: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, feel your toes, the balls of your feet, and your heels pressing into the earth. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground, connecting you to the Earth's energy

  2. Body Scan: Take a few moments to check in with your body. Slowly scan from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. Breathe into those areas and release any tension you may be holding.

  3. Epsom Salt Bath: If you're feeling any physical tension, soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts can help release stored emotions and relax your muscles.

  4. Earthing: If possible, take off your shoes and stand or walk on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil. This can help you reconnect with the earth and balance your energy.

✨ Journaling Prompts to Reflect on Your Experience

Reflection can be a powerful way to integrate the insights gained during breathwork. Consider writing about any of the following:

  1. What came up for you during the session? Were there any emotions or memories that surfaced? How did you feel throughout the journey?

  2. Did you experience any visuals, sensations, or spiritual insights? How did these experiences feel? What, if anything, do you think they may be communicating to you?

  3. How do you feel now, physically and emotionally? Is there anything lingering in your body that needs attention or care?

  4. What do you want to let go of, and what do you want to call in? Breathwork often helps us release old patterns—what is ready to be released in your life, and what are you open to receiving?

  5. What did you learn about yourself today? Did you experience any moments of insight, clarity, or connection that you'd like to explore further?

I hope these tips help you find a sense of grounding and clarity after your breathwork practice.

Remember, it’s completely normal to feel a bit off-balance or unsure—your body and mind are simply adjusting to the shift in energy. Be gentle with yourself and allow the experience to unfold in its own time. You've done great work, and now it’s about honoring the space you've created for yourself.

Take a deep breath, and remember: You’re always moving forward. ✨

With Love,

Maria x


4 things breathwork can do for you