about exhale with maria

Exhale with Maria is a space where we release that which no longer serves us, surrendering to our internal guidance system through the magical, ancient tools of Breathwork and Yoga. When we Exhale, we learn to let go, to accept, to trust, and to have faith. You come to understand your innate power as a human being who can create magic from your heart’s authentic desires.

You become limitless.

Breathwork and Yoga are tools which have transformed my life. I have journeyed with my breath to places I could never have fathomed existed. I have witnessed, understood, accepted and healed parts of myself which would have otherwise remained unbeknown to me. This healing allowed space within me which inspired a lightness and freedom from which I created the identity and consequently life for myself that I truly desired. I have come to understand our oneness as beings on this universe and continue to expand and revel in the magical power of the energy that is all of creation.

Shortly after I discovered breathwork, I embarked on a journey to gain credentials which would allow me to feel strong in my ability to hold space for people, as they themselves discovered the wisdom of their breath. I completed the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Certification and separately, a Breathwork Instruction Certification, both of which allowed me to understand the roots, philosophies and science behind these ancient practices. These certifications deepened my knowledge and appreciation for breathwork and yoga, and allowed me greater confidence in sharing and spreading their healing powers with others.

Exhale with Maria is first and foremost a safe space to journey with your breath, where you will learn the power of your life force energy. It is a space where you can feel safe to Exhale, to surrender, and to create a life you truly deserve, from a place of unabashed authenticity.

I am incredibly excited to share this space and tools with you and cannot wait to see what becomes of more of us as we release the old and create our dreams.

With love,

Maria xxx